In the middle of October the Hack In The Box conference took place and prominent members of the Jailbreaking community such as MuscleNerd and Pod2G came together to talk about Jailbreaking. Most of their conversation focused around their backgrounds, the technicalities of Jailbreaking and answering questions from the host of the panel, as well as the attendees.

From left to right we have Mark Dowd, Pod2G, L33tdawg, MuscleNerd and Planetbeing. All of these individuals are the masterminds behind most Jailbreaks, with the exception of L33tdawg who was just moderating the panel discussion.
When we originally brought this talk to your attention it was only available to watch through UStream and was cut off. Now the entire panel discussion has been uploaded to YouTube and is available for your viewing pleasure. It is approximately one hour long and is worth the watch if you are having a lazy Saturday.
One of the most interesting points brought up in this panel discussion was the fact that the iOS 6 Jailbreak will likely be a Userland Jailbreak, which means we could see the revival of JailbreakMe. As always, we will keep you updated when more information on the iOS 6 Jailbreak is available. Until that time stay tuned.